As I’ve talked about previously, the Democrats have gone balls deep on the mail-in voting scheme. They are even going so far as to claim that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is trying to sabotage the election by not supporting their push for mail-in voting.

On top of that, they are sending anti-fascists and insane people outside his house to harass him and bully him into going along with their plans.

The whole situation is absurd. You can’t possibly have a national election with mail-in voting. In every case where this has been done in smaller local elections, you’ve had all sorts of problems with fraud. The fact that the Democrats are going so hard in demanding this, is just proof that they don’t think they can win the election without pushing this scam.

But beyond the spectacle they’ve created, it is illogical to think that the postal service would be able to handle such a large increase of mail volume to support a national mail-in voting system. Especially at such a short notice when the postal service itself is in financial turmoil. And that’s not even addressing the specific logistics of how a mail-in voting system would function.

They’ve even got Taylor Swift shilling for mail-in voting while claiming that voting in person is somehow not safe.

This is so dumb. But at least we know the narrative they’ll spin if Trump wins. They’ll say he stole the election by sabotaging the postal service.