Russia has had a proven arsenal of hypersonic missiles for years now. Meanwhile, the United States is struggling to perform basic tests of hypersonic weapons. They just had to cancel a test of the Dark Eagle hypersonic missile because of pre-flight check issues.


A test flight on Wednesday of the US hypersonic weapon Dark Eagle, expected to become the first such missile in the country’s arsenal, was aborted at the last moment, the Pentagon has announced.

The launch of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) was scheduled to take place at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, in order “to inform our hypersonic technology development,” the US Department of Defense said, in a statement released to media outlets.

“But as a result of pre-flight checks the test did not occur,” it confirmed, without revealing the exact reasons for the cancellation of the LRHW firing.

The Pentagon is also claiming that, despite the setback, it “was able to successfully collect data on the performance of the ground hardware and software that will inform the continued progress toward fielding offensive hypersonic weapons.”

However, Bloomberg has pointed out that the last-minute halting of the missile test casts doubt on whether the US military will be able to meet its goal of declaring the Dark Eagle initially combat capable by September 30.

The Pentagon is trying to spin this failure, but there is no spinning this. Despite spending gazillions of dollars on the military, the US is rapidly falling behind in military technological advances.

A large reason for these failures is that the entire military industrial complex is not a meritocracy. All sorts of incompetent people are being put into positions they should not be in because of their skin color, gender or their affinity for gay anal sex. If not to meet diversity quotas, you have people given promotions because of simple nepotism and corruption.

Lloyd Austin the house nigger slave the Jews put in charge of the Pentagon.

I mean, just look at the asshole who runs the Pentagon. He’s a literal low IQ nigger who oversaw the Afghanistan exit debacle and other major failures and he has not been fired. Is it any wonder why the hypersonic missile program is such a disaster?