Nancy Pelosi is saying that the only reason China is mad at her for visiting Taiwan is because she’s a woman.

Who does Pelosi think she is? A biologist or something?

This statement reflects her infantile view of the world and explains her infantile behavior. This stupid old hag like many women have the emotional and mental maturity of a teenager.

The Chinese aren’t mad that she’s a woman, they are angry because she is next in line to the presidency after the Vice President. She’s also a member of the same party of the President. As a result, they viewed her visit far differently than the random US senators and representatives who visited previously. It was viewed by China as a great provocation, especially after they asked her not to visit.

On top of that, she made her visit some big mystery and it wasn’t clear if she would visit or not. None of this was normal nor was there any precedence for this. She basically just walked onto Chinese territory, pissed all over the place and left.

The fact that she’s claiming the Chinese reaction to her visit is because of her gender is the most stupid and insane thing imaginable.

China has effectively blockaded Taiwan and have begun major military exercises in response to her ill-advised visit.

It is unknown if the Chinese will keep the blockade in place permanently or if this is them getting ready to invade. Either way, I think this stunt by Pelosi only accelerated the Chinese timetable to take full control of the island. It is going to happen at some point one way or another.