The reaction to Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit by many people on the right-wing has been absolutely retarded. It seems as if half if not more of all Republicans are praising Pelosi’s trip because they think it was a great way to stick it to the evil Communist Chinese.

You also have people like Jack Posobiec promoting this bizarre idea that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was about some pump and dump semiconductor stock scam.

This is nothing but rubbish speculation from Posobiec. Even if you can fully prove this, it is not the important part of the story.

The Democrat Party is backed by Jewish money. The Jews do not have control over China. Pelosi and the Jews used this trip as a means of agitation against the Chinese.

People like Posobiec are only allowed to stay on these big social media sites because they will not state the obvious nature of what’s going on. There job is to misdirect people from the truth with whatever elaborate theories they can come up with. If Posobiec started talking about Jews he would be banned like myself and many others.

This semiconductor stock theory is something being pushed to fool people who think that Democrats are working for China to continue thinking this. It is an absurd theory that many on the right-wing and especially boomers have bought into. They had to provide some sort of explanation for these people when Pelosi’s Taiwan trip made this idea of Democrats being Chinese agents all the more implausible.

Again, the Democrat Party is controlled by Jews. They are not controlled by China. Do you think Xi Jinping would order Pelosi to make a trip that would personally embarrass him like this? Of course he wouldn’t.

Also, how many Chinamen do you see in Joe Biden’s cabinet or the Democrat Party in general? There aren’t many Chinamen, but there sure are plenty of Jews.