Hungary has blocked a new aid package to the Ukraine and Viktor Orban is talking about blocking any attempt to bring them into the European Union.

I’m sure the EU people could have found a way around this. They chose not to do so because they know the jig is up. Orban is giving them away out of this mess.

The entire plan was to use the Ukraine war with sanctions to collapse Russia’s economy and create political turmoil inside of Russia. The opposite happened. The West’s economy has been greatly damaged and there’s all sorts of political problems occurring throughout the EU bloc. It also resulted in roughly a half million Ukrainians dying on the battlefield for nothing.

Now these people can just point to Orban and use him to explain away why the war failed. They’ll just say he blocked the aid package and that’s why the Ukraine lost even though the war was never winnable in the first place.

As it becomes increasingly clear that the war has been lost, we are going to see some really bizarre and crazy things happen in the Ukraine. Take this for example.