Nick Fuentes and his supporters were kicked out of CPAC by hotel security for reasons.

I’ve unfortunately had a very limited amount of time to dedicate to the site over the past few days, so I am just learning of this story now. I am not remotely surprised by this though. The entire “conservative” movement is mostly just a bowel movement.

Matt Schlapp can go suck on a bunch of Jewish cocks for this statement.

Schlapp sounds no different than a Democrat.

Why not invite Fuentes to a debate at CPAC if his views are so wrong? He could show how wrong he is by presenting superior ideas. Instead, Schlapp and his cronies kick him out and not even try to have a conversation. He also is implying that he is evil because he disagrees with his views about Jews.

Schlapp is not a real conservative. He is conspiring with the Jews who have destroyed America.

For what reason do “conservatives” exist in 2023? All they do is prevent people from talking about Jews and by extension, solving the real problems America has. Tits on a bull are more useful than these assholes.

One final question. Why the hell is CPAC being held at the Gaylord Hotel? Is that some sort of inside joke? Are all these “conservatives” a bunch of closeted faggots and shit eaters?