Last night, the Monday Night Football game got cancelled after Damar Hamlin, a 24-year-old Buffalo Bills player, suffered cardiac arrest on the field following a fairly routine play.

They had to perform CPR on him. He was taken to a hospital where he was listed in critical condition.

This type of thing obviously did not happen before the fake vaccine shots were rolled out.

The NFL did everything they could to coerce their players into taking the dangerous fake vaccine shots.

Players that tried to use fake vaccine cards were punished.

Aaron Rodgers was on Joe Rogan’s show a few months back describing how the NFL sent someone to each team to pressure players to take the shots.

Some people don’t think we should be having an open conversation about these fake vaccine shots and how they are killing and injuring people.

Take this dickhead who thinks anybody who wants to discuss this issue should be fucked with a splintery wooden spoon.

This guy who claims he’s a physician is saying we are terrible, horrible people with unscientific beliefs.

Then you have this unhinged bitch.

These people are literal cultists who probably took the deadly shots themselves and don’t want to admit that they willfully poisoned themselves.

The regime is already having a hard time explaining what happened to the retarded NPC goyim out there who still watch the NFL. They’re obviously not going to say that it had anything to do with the shots. They pushed the players to get them and you see advertisements for these fake vaccine injections during the games.

This is not going to be the last of these types of incidents. The NFL and the larger regime is just going to look increasingly foolish if they continue to ignore the elephant in the room.