Elon Musk in a reply to Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton said that they have tortious interference claims against all the Jew-left groups that have been interfering in Twitter’s business operations. The Jew-run ADL has been at the forefront of all this.

These Jewish groups have basically been threatening companies to pull their advertising on Twitter saying that they’ll call them anti-Semites and other names if they don’t comply with their demands.

This is absolutely tortious interference and Musk should deploy his legal team against these evil Jewish groups. The ADL specifically is nothing more than a Jewish extortion racket.

I’m still skeptical that Musk will restore free speech, but he is moving some things in the right direction. It’d be really awesome and funny if he were to sue the ADL though. He’d earn lots of bonus points with me if he were to actually do that.

I could only imagine Jonathan Greenblatt’s face if that were to happen. It would probably look something like this.