This Jew Adam Schiff is one of the worst Jews in the world. He also looks and talks like a fag. His propensity to lie would no doubt shock even Adolf Hitler if he were still around today.

A motion has been filed to expel Schiff from Congress after it has been repeatedly proven that he lied about Russiagate and falsely claimed to have evidence that Donald Trump was an agent of Russia.

Look at this tweet from this awful Jew.

He just can’t stop lying. He still is claiming that Trump is a Russian asset, even though it has been proven otherwise 100 times over.

Kim’s tweet says it all.

I doubt he’ll be expelled from Congress, as I have zero faith in Republicans to do anything substantive about anything. I just wanted to highlight once again what a horrible piece of shit this Jew is.

As far as I’m concerned every Jew should be immediately expelled from Congress. Start with Schiff and work your way from there.