Andrew Tate just posted this on his Twitter feed.

It was originally reported that Tate and his brother Tristan were held by Romanian police on human trafficking charges, but then there were rumors saying that they were being questioned for doing money laundering.

I’m not sure how true any of this is. There seems to be lots of rumors being spread and it is still not clear what the facts are yet. The only thing we know for sure is that they were detained by police. I guess the fact that Tate is tweeting would indicate that he and his brother have been freed. This is not 100 percent confirmed though.

I do want to note that the amount of hate that is being directed at Tate is really something else. There are all sorts of mindless defenders of the system foaming at the mouth and attacking him on Twitter. These same people had next to nothing to say about Pizzagate, Jeffrey Epstein’s client list and are big endorsers of child tranny surgeries. They support or ignore documented evils, yet they want to lecture everybody about how bad Tate is before we even know the facts of what this whole thing is about. They’re basically just attacking him because they disagree with his politics.

It’s clear that this evil Jewish system doesn’t like Tate. Since they failed to cancel him off the Internet, they’re now taking it to the next level and trying to figure out a way to put him and his brother in prison.