Kanye West was interviewed by Tucker Carlson last night after appearing in public with Candace Owens wearing a WHITE Lives Matter shirt. During the interview he defended WHITE people and exposed the Jews by attacking the horrible Kushner family. He said that they only cared about making money. He specifically criticized Jared for undermining Donald Trump.

He even took to Instagram to attack the Jew Kushners.

He said other things about how people around him were telling him not to support Donald Trump. Him talking about how Hillary Clinton was pressuring his ex-wife Kim Kardashian to get him not to support Trump was interesting.

He also denounced abortion, the deadly coronavirus vaccine and criticized the promotion of fatness.

This was all in the first part of the interview. The second part of the interview is scheduled for tonight.

Regardless of what you think of West, it is quite significant for somebody who was allowed to become rich and famous within this Jewish system to be saying all these things. I hope he keeps speaking out.