Thomas Massie is the only Republican in the House of Representatives that doesn’t seem to totally support Israel. He voted against that gay ass pro-Israel bill a few days back. He also posted this Zionism meme that caused Jews to get very mad.

He was immediately accused of “anti-Semitism” by Democrats many of who are Jewish Democrats.

Take in point the Zionist kike Chuck Schumer.

Look who agrees with them. My very favorite Jewish “journalist” Laura Loomer who rage-tweeted at Massie over the meme.

The idea that you can be a Zionist and America First simultaneously is absurd. It’s like claiming to be both an arsonist and a firefighter at the same time.

Loomer like Schumer represents Jews and Israel first and foremost. Everything she does is a smokescreen around that. That’s why she spent so much time attacking Massie over this very basic Zionism meme.