The Jew Chuck Schumer claimed that both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin would regret challenging America. He said this after the Senate passed that insane bill to fund their Jew wars.


American senators from both parties coming out in support of aid for Ukraine and Israel is a powerful signal to Russia and China, as well as Washington’s allies, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday.

The 100-member chamber approved the $95 billion “national security” funding bill with 70 votes in favor and 29 opposed. Eight Republican senators spent most of the night filibustering against the proposal.

“Today we make [Russian President] Vladimir Putin regret the day he questioned America’s resolve, and we make clear to others, like China’s President Xi [Jinping], not to test our determination,” Schumer said in a speech after the vote. “And we send a clear, bipartisan message of resolve to our allies in NATO.”

Schumer also praised the passage of the bill as greatly impacting “the security of Western democracy.”

This Jew is delusional. They don’t regret and won’t regret a single thing. They were forced to do the things they have done as a result of the insanity coming out of Washington DC. Both Xi and Putin wanted cordial and friendly relations with the West but Jews like Schumer made this impossible.

America is run by a Jewish occupational government and it behaves exactly as you expect it would.

America is in the process of destroying itself and all China and Russia have to do is defend its interests until this Jewish empire of evil fully collapses.