The Jew media is claiming that the movie Sound of Freedom is QAnon propaganda. Rolling Stone and others have said this.

CNN even brought on a Jew who is literally named Mike Rothschild to complain about the movie being linked to QAnon people.

The movie was based off of real life events. It is not some QAnon fantasy nor QAnon propaganda.

I think Hercules said it right.

The Jews are bashing the film because they do not want people to find out that Jews are heavily involved with pederasty, child sex trafficking and other gross things. They don’t want an army of people investigating this stuff as it will lead to things like Pizzagate etc..

Antonio Sabato Jr. asked another pertinent question.

Hollywood is run by Jews and the child casting couch phenomenon is very real. That’s why Disney and various Hollywood Jews did everything in their power to block the release of the movie. They very much support child sex trafficking and it is definitely a part of their business model.