The weird incident yesterday involving a guy in a truck threatening to detonate bombs around Washington DC has been officially buried by the Jewish media. The whole thing was far too stupid and retarded to be pushed down everyone’s throats. There was almost no mention of it today.

The man streamed himself on social media saying all sorts of weird shit. He actually said that he disliked how American forces were leaving Afghanistan, said that he is against racism and said that he loves the faggot/tranny brigade.

These are not right-wing positions. These are establishment positions which align with the ZOG ruling powers.

It’s a bit tough to frame someone as a dangerous right-wing terrorist when they are talking about how much they love faggots and trannies.

That’s just one of the many problems with this incident. I’m not going to spend the time going into all the details of it. There are many other articles which analyze the stupidity of this whole thing. Suffice to say, that this was a total hoax by the FBI or some type of alphabet soup ZOG agency.

What this shows is that the people orchestrating these hoaxes are becoming increasingly bad at them.

However, I would fully expect them to try something like this again. They need some sort of justification to unleash the military on the American people and begin sending people to concentration camps. But at this point, the people running this system are so incompetent, it is becoming increasingly doubtful that they can pull any of this off.