The alleged right-wing Jew Laura Loomer posted a video of herself shouting at former FBI Director James Comey for his role in Russiagate. Comey is doing a book tour to promote some shitty crime novel he wrote and she confronted him at one of these book tour stops.

Comey is no doubt a criminal who is guilty of treason and other crimes. However, Loomer is only doing this sort of thing to promote herself and her social media brand. She doesn’t actually give a shit about anybody but herself. I also want to reemphasize that she is Jewish so why would she give a damn about America?

She’s actually mad that more people in the right-wing aren’t promoting the video by falsely claiming that it isn’t about her, when it is obviously totally about her. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be getting upset about people not reposting it.

Just look at this long tweet she posted.

It is worth noting once again that Loomer was against free speech before being for it. Her role in shutting down a major right-wing Discord server back in 2017 is well-documented. She only became a self-proclaimed free speech champion after her own social media accounts got banned.

After shouting at Comey, all the retarded senile boomers who think Comey is like some great person or something got really upset at Loomer.

The whole situation was ridiculous. Pretty much everybody in this video is a piece of shit for one reason or another. I am still planning on doing a big write up on Loomer and her sad history. Jews and Jews especially like her have no business being embraced by people within right-wing and nationalist political circles.

Most importantly, I’d like to point out that Loomer definitely does not look like a nice bridesmaid. She is lying about this. No amount of makeup and photoshop filters can change this.