Matt Taibbi analyzed another round of Twitter files exposing the role of Democrats in defying Twitter management who told them that the premise of Russian bots artifically promoting the Devin Nunes memo that exposed the fake Russiagate investigation was not factual. They found no evidence that Russian bots were amplifying the Nunes memo on Twitter. It was just another manufactured hoax like everything about Russiagate.

While I don’t think the information here is really shocking, I thought it was worth commenting on the story due to the fact that every person from Congress mentioned in this thread that pushed this rubbish was Jewish. Look at the names that show up in the thread. They’re all Jews. Specifically you have the Jews Adam Schiff, Richard Blumenthal and Dianne Feinstein, at the center of all this.

The lies were too much even for the homosexual Twitter safety Jew Yoel Roth.

All the Trump-Russia stuff was a Jewish hoax. This is just more proof of how Jewish it was.