Interesting bit of news here. CNET has admitted to using AI to write a number of articles since November of last year and nobody noticed that the pieces weren’t written by a human.

I thought this story was worth commenting on because this practice is only going to become more common in the media world. The Jews won’t even need actual real life humans to advance their narratives, they’ll just have bots and algorithms do it for them.

This has already been happening on social media with AI bot armies posting all sorts of bullshit to advance narratives to sway public opinion. We saw this in a very big way with all the pro-Ukraine shill accounts that flooded on to social media when the Ukraine war kicked off in early 2022.

We are now at a point where you can’t be sure if you are interacting with a human or a bot over the Internet. In my view, bots should be totally banned from social media because of this.