A Jeopardy player has been labeled a White supremacist by the so-called “woke” mob because he held up three fingers to tell the audience how many times he had won.

The player was forced to issue a statement saying that he was not a racist.

Video of somebody holding up three fingers is obviously not proof that they are a Neo-Nazi or a White supremacist. The fact that the “woke” mob even believed this and spread this as if it were some type of credible statement is nuts.

These are the same people that claimed Donald Trump was an agent of Russia. That claim like this one was a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Despite this, bizarre theories with no proof put out by Marxists are promoted and given credibility. Whereas theories that have far more substantive proof that are embarrassing to the established system are labeled as “conspiracy theories.”

Everything is just so stupid and this story further proves that fact.