Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is a faggot asshole. He’s not even really Irish. He’s a part Indian, mixed-race homosexual. Read his Wiki page for more details. My assumption is that this weird creature was installed into this top political position by Jews.

He held a press conference today about yesterday’s events and it was as ridiculous as you could imagine. Some Algerian who shouldn’t have been there in the first place stabs some kids and he proceeds to blame the Irish for being mad about it. He did a press conference talking about how Ireland needs to reclaim Ireland from the Irish.

They brought “shame” on Ireland he says.

He’s also promising more laws against “hate speech.”  So he is more concerned about people saying mean things about foreigners than foreigners stabbing children.

He also talked about “values” and this not being who they are which is the most cliche bullshit imaginable.

This guy is a first rate douchebag. He previously said that there were too many Irish people inside the Irish government.

Does he think Israel is too Jewish? Does he think India is too Indian? Perhaps someone could ask him these questions. I’d love to know his response.

The Irish people need to reclaim their country from this cocksucking mixed-race streetshitter.

Who does he think he is to blame the Irish for being mad because violent foreigners were wrongly let into country who are doing harm to them?