When the coronavirus story hit the news in the early part of 2020, nobody knew for sure what was going on. It was unclear what was happening in China. All we knew was that the situation prompted the Chinese government to implement quarantines and other control measures. While this was happening, the entire Jew media was saying that Donald Trump was a racist hater of chink-people to ban travel to China even though nobody knew what the hell was going on. They were not taking anything about it seriously and were instead focusing in on the Trump impeachment circus.

As a result of what was going on at the time, I supported a temporary closure of borders until the facts of the situation were known.

In March 2020, this narrative dramatically changed and the Jew media proceeded to claim that it was the plague of death. All sorts of hysterics about the virus were being promoted with governments around the world locking everything down.

At first I mocked the hysteria writing satirical articles talking about how billions of people were going to die. But after a few weeks of seeing nobody call out the situation for what it was, I began analyzing the situation seriously.

Here’s a few articles I wrote in March 2020 saying that the entire virus hysteria was vastly overblown and designed to push weird agendas.

US Could See Up to 240,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Fauci: 100,000 to 200,000 Americans Could Die From COVID-19

In early April 2020, I predicted that this would likely be used to forcibly vaccinate people in an article about the Jew Ezekiel Emanuel who was talking about doing an 18 month lockdown.

Well, here we are in August 2021 and we are seeing that exact forced vaccination agenda being rolled out on people around the world.

How is it that someone like myself who does this analysis on a part time basis can accurately predict this as a possibility and people who literally do this as their full time job could not connect the dots? Those media professionals are either totally retarded or they are paid liars. In many cases, they are probably both.

Just the fact that I am one of the few people on the Internet who is able to accurately analyze reality, is the reason why this site has been among the most heavily censored and banned anywhere.