The Jews continue to push all this stuff about UFOs. The Jew film producer J.J Abrams who is best known for destroying the Star Wars brand with “woke” garbage is behind a new documentary series about UFOs.

The first part of it is up on YouTube.

I think most UFO sightings were probably experimental military aircraft of some kind. Some appear to be hoaxes by the military itself.

If there was really something more to the phenomenon, we’d have already seen legitimate proof of it considering everybody is walking around with camera-enabled smartphones. Before people had this ability, you could argue that there was something more to that phenomenon.

But regardless of what you believe about UFOs, it is clear that they are getting the public ready for some type of UFO/space alien hoax. Only recently have they started giving credibility to all the UFO theories that were previously relegated to the fringe. They are doing this to lay the groundwork for this future hoax.

Most likely they’ll claim that the aliens have come in peace and the alien leader will tell us that we have to do everything the Jews were pushing for.

Of course, this is just one possible outcome. They could also say that we are threatened by a race of space aliens and that we need a global government to fight them.

Just get ready for a possible space alien hoax. The chances of one happening are increasing by the day.