So Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger who were involved with analyzing and reporting on some of the Twitter Files, were invited to testify in front of a House Committee about all the social media censorship the government was involved with.

House Democrats were trying to get Matt Taibbi to reveal his sources.

This dumb bitch questioning them didn’t seem to know what Substack was.

This low IQ black girl boss cunt called Taibbi a so-called journalist.

That’s nice considering she’s a so-called human being who looks like a prehistoric ape.

The corrupt Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who is somehow still in Congress, claimed Taibbi was bad because he made money doing work as a journalist analyzing the Twitter Files. She also said he was bad because his Twitter followers increased after his reporting on the Twitter Files.

Talk about a dumb unhinged Jew cunt. Her rant was so ridiculous it prompted Elon Musk to chime in. He brought up how she was forced to resign as the Democrat National Committee Chair due to ethics violations. She literally helped rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

Ultimately, none of this really matters. We all knew this censorship and blacklisting was going on and still nobody is held accountable for anything. The Democrats are in full support of censoring their political opposition and this is nothing new.

Until people are sent to jail for these crimes, what is the point of these hearings? It is all political theater so Republicans can say they are trying to do something, but when was the last time they actually did something that mattered?