The above op-ed headline from The Guardian pretty much speaks for itself. It is claiming that we need to have mass censorship on social media in order to preserve democracy.

If democracy is such a fragile system that it can’t even survive a free exchange of ideas on the Internet, as is being argued in this op-ed, than the entire system should be abolished. This is a system that presumes that every person is competent enough to have a say in how things are run while also claiming that these same allegedly competent people have to be shielded from certain views, perspectives and opinions.

Andrew Anglin’s commentary on this is spot on.

Daily Stormer:

If “democracy” can’t survive without mass internet censorship, then it seems to me that democracy is not a valid system.

The entire concept underlying modern democracy – which is universal suffrage democracy (as opposed to a traditional American-style system where only land-owners can vote) – is that every person in society, including even the blacks, are totally actualized human beings capable of absolute rationality.

If this is true – if the underlying premise of democracy is true – then obviously, these totally actualized beings can withstand any amount of “fake news,” “hate speech,” “disinformation,” and “Russian speech,” and cut to the core of the matter and make cold, hard decisions.

If the only way these citizens are capable of making decisions is if the government regulates their exposure to the free flow of information, then why on earth are they allowed to vote?

It. Does not. Make any sense.

He’s right. It doesn’t make any sense at all.

Democracy is a ridiculous, dysfunctional system that has been put in place by Jews so they can control countries through the use of mass media.

In closing, The Guardian op-ed was not surprisingly written by some stupid African diversity hire named Hibaq Farah. Below is a picture of her staring into some weird orb.