Get a load of this dickhead millionaire CEO out of Australia named Tim Gurner. He’s really upset that employees are no longer working as hard as they used to and wants unemployment at 40 percent to show workers that he’s the boss.

He can go get fucked. He’s lucky that anybody wants to work for whatever shit company he runs. He’s literally nothing without his workers.

Truth be told, people are exhausted with the poor treatment and dumb bullshit that exists in the corporate world these days.

Many large corporations recently pushed masks and forced deadly fake vaccines on their employees during the pandemic hoax. This was all highly unethical and wrong.

Even if you put all the COVID fuckery aside, pretty much every large corporation in the West has been a dumpster fire for a long time. You have all the diversity, inclusion and equity garbage which is just another way to justify promoting stupid boss girl cunts and low IQ coloreds into management positions. They also don’t properly reward good performance and it takes an act of Congress to get any sort of meaningful pay raise. You literally have to quit and find another job to get substantive pay increases to keep up with the real rate of inflation. So what is the point of working hard under such circumstances? They’ve created a situation where the average worker feels no reason to do anything beyond the very bare minimum.

It’s like the Office Space scene when Peter met with the Bobs only many times worse than what Peter describes.

Meanwhile, CEOs like the girl boss cunt CEO of General Motors is raking in around 30 million a year and she just got a 34 percent pay increase.

You also have executives who have been walking away with million dollar bonuses after overseeing company bankruptcies.

How do they think these types of stories look to the average worker?

There’s also a whole ZeroHedge article out today that gets into this same topic. It specifically describes how various CEOs are bashing remote work when they’re the same people who mandated remote work because of the virus hoax. It’s like they think they can put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Quite frankly, the idea that you have to be in a centralized office space to do standard office computer work is an outdated concept that mostly only senile boomers have hung on to. It’s also far less efficient to force people into the office because you are demanding people commute up to two hours a day to do the exact same work they could be doing from home. You also end up spending more money in overhead for office space to house all of your worker slaves.

I hope the corporate world totally collapses in on itself. It has become an extremely unstable house of cards run by incompetent dickhead assholes who are mostly only in the positions they are in because of their ability to conform and kiss ass. The angry girl boss bitches along with their low IQ monkey diversity hires won’t be able to sustain these systems either. I wish these faggots lots of luck. They will need it.