Joe Biden in one of his senile ramblings from earlier in the week asked people the following.

“Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?”

This is one of the few times where Biden actually said something that made sense. It doesn’t matter if it was by accident. He raised an excellent question.

I’m definitely ready to choose freedom over democracy. Democracy has shown conclusively that it is one of the most tyrannical systems of government imaginable. There are no freedoms in a democracy.  In a democracy the will of the people is never represented. We just saw this on full display with the US House of Representatives voting to give $95 billion to fund Jewish war agendas despite all these Jewish war agendas being enormously unpopular. That’s just one of many examples. Hell, take in point all the COVID lockdown bullshit we saw within this democratic system.

So yes, let’s abolish democracy and reinstitute a system of government that actually protects and promotes freedom. I don’t care if it means we have a dictator. Anything is better than what we have now.