Greta Thunberg fresh after staging her arrest for protesting the burning of coal, decided to head to Davos to protest the power brokers at the World Economic Forum. She claims that the WEF people are most responsible for climate change and need to be held accountable.

This is hilarious.

The WEF people pretty much agree with Thunberg on every issue. They say that we have to get rid of all fossil fuels, get rid of cars and even eat bugs to solve this fake weather crisis. I mean, did anybody see the unhinged ramblings of Al Gore yesterday?

So to see Thunberg protest them is so transparently fake and ridiculous. She was just there to give the illusion that she is fighting the power structure when she’s nothing more than a tool of the same people who attend the WEF.

Her protest was just as silly as somebody protesting outside a McDonald’s and complaining that they don’t make enough Big Macs.

At least Greta was finally asked some real questions by the Rebel News people and some other independent reporters. They asked her about her fake arrest and her various climate hoaxing activities. She didn’t seem to know how to respond to many of the questions and just smiled and giggled in response. She even sarcastically talked about owning private jets. The exchange showed once again that she’s just an actor who has been playing a character this entire time.

She obviously thinks this whole thing is a joke. She couldn’t even answer how she learned about the climate change hoax that she is allegedly so passionate about solving.