It looks as if Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes may have been raided and arrested by feds while he was streaming his show last night. The stream aired live with an empty chair for roughly 30 minutes.

It is not clear why he was arrested. Another broadcaster who works alongside McInnes said that it was not a staged bit and that he is sitting in jail because he dared to question authority.

We’ll just have to see how this develops. There’s not a whole lot of information available.

To be clear, I am not a fan of McInnes. He quit the Proud Boys organization he founded back in 2018 after his people got charged with crimes following an attack by anti-fascists against them at a New York City event. They were basically charged with crimes for defending themselves. From there, the organization got taken over by federal informants. Since his departure, the Proud Boys has been run by Enrique Tarrio an individual whose links to the feds is well-documented.

McInnes also appears to either be a homosexual or some type of weird sexual deviant. This is evidenced by the bizarre sexual things he has said online as well as that time he shoved a dildo in his asshole for the entire Internet to see.

His political views aren’t even very extreme. He’s terrible on racial issues and he’s regularly avoided talking about the Jews.

But with that said, if he was legitimately arrested by the feds, it is a concerning development. The Jew-run Department of Justice has already stated publicly that they consider right-wing domestic terrorism to be a top priority. Obviously, their characterization is a hoax as this is not a real problem. Much of the alleged domestic terrorism is manufactured or faked by the feds using a variety of retards and crazy people. It is however the pretext they plan on using to potentially arrest large numbers of people who disagree with official government policies.

McInnes would be a prime target simply due to the fact that the organization he founded got transformed into some type of weird fight club/street militia group. You may remember that they were regularly fighting anti-fascists in Portland, Oregon of all places.

There is also a new narrative being pushed claiming that the Proud Boys are linked to ghost gun sales.

All of this makes McInnes one of the more logical first targets for them to go after and arrest. They could theoretically claim that he founded some type of gang or criminal organization. Of course, they could just make up whatever bullshit they want. That’s what they’ve done to permanently detain the J6 people many of who are still rotting away in a jail cell. All because they were let into a building by police.

I’ve said previously that due to the geopolitical failures the ZOG system is currently experiencing, that it would be likely for them to redirect their energies domestically. It is possible that between the Mar-A-Lago raid on Donald Trump and this apparent arrest of McInnes that this is what is starting to happen.