Kevin Costner who is a wealthy actor and one of the most high status men on the planet, has just been divorce raped by his wife. They did sign a prenup agreement but Costner is still being forced to pay more than the terms of the prenup.

This just shows that even prenup agreements are meaningless. These courts are also filled with all sorts of cunt judges who will generally side with women in divorce proceedings.

His bitch ex-wife was claiming that $129K in monthly child support payments was “insufficient.”

Costner got lucky and will “only” have to pay $63,209 a month in child support.

This is obviously an absurd amount of money. You do not need that much money to raise children. You could say this even if they had ten children together. This is just money that will be used for the gold digging bitch to fund her obnoxiously decadent lifestyle.

The situation with Costner is yet another example showing how the entire institution of marriage is broken. Prenups aren’t even a good enough defense. Men should boycott marriage until there are actual serious reforms. Divorces can be life ending and life ruining situations for men.

What else can you say about it when the most wealthy and high status men can’t keep their marriages together?