James O’Keefe managed to get a homosexual White House cyber security official named Charlie Kraiger to reveal confidential information to him. Kraiger hilariously thought he was on a gay date with O’Keefe and revealed various things going on inside the White House.

The revelations themselves aren’t really all that interesting. They’re basically just confirmation of what we already know. The interesting aspect of the video is that it shows conclusively how homosexuals are highly untrustworthy and unreliable people. This faggot Kraiger is involved in high level cyber security shit for the government and here he is just willfully revealing all sorts of sensitive stuff to someone he just met. All because he thinks he’s going to have a chance to do sodomy and anal sex after a dinner date.

Kraiger nuked some of his social media accounts after the video dropped.

Homosexuals are a scourge. They all need to be shoved back into the closet. That’s why I endorse public executions of homosexuals. This will encourage them to go back into the closet.

The bottom line is that homosexuals are natural traitors which is one of the reasons why Jews have been so keen to elevate them into a privileged status. Of course as we have seen here, homosexuals are totally unreliable and will say and do anything for a chance to do abominable sex acts. They can’t be trusted with any sort of secret or sensitive information.