A Pennsylvania man named Justin Mohn who has been dubbed a “MAGA Maniac” by Jews and other faggot media people posted a video of himself on YouTube with a plastic bag containing his father’s head. He said that his dad worked for the United States government and that he was not a fan of the United States government. He felt the most logical way to express his many grievances with the government was to cut off his father’s head and show it in a YouTube video.

Based on his own statements, he appeared to be into various QAnon conspiracies. In the video which has mostly been scrubbed off of social media, he specifically called for a revolution against Joe Biden and illegal aliens to restore “Judeo-Christian” values. He made it clear that he wasn’t a racist and that he wanted to end illegal immigration because of economic reasons. While doing this he listed off a number of people inside the government who he ordered to be killed, said that people believed him to be the Messiah and said that he wasn’t happy with Microsoft because they failed to pay adequate taxes.

According to people on social media, he has previously proclaimed himself the leader of Mohn’s Militia and that he sees himself fighting a civil war against The Cult of America.

He was arrested a few hours after posting the video.

It has also been said that he was reported to the FBI last year for trying to recruit people into his militia.

This individual obviously has some mental health problems and has probably been on drugs of some kind. The event will be politicized by the media as we have already seen them try to tie him to Donald Trump and MAGA people.

This is clearly a very weird and disturbing incident but not surprising in the open air insane asylum known as America. What’s surprising is that we don’t see things like this happening more often.