Sam Harris the obnoxiously evil Jew bag of shit who supported suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, Donald Trump’s ban from Twitter and numerous other insane things has just rage deleted his Twitter account. He basically tried to pass himself off as some type of atheist, centrist type which was just weird and bizarre.

One of his Jew buddies Eric Weinstein confirmed this.

Here’s some random commentary about this.

Harris did this because he’s afraid that thousands of people are going to finally be allowed to challenge him on a level playing field. Him deleting his account like this is just him being a coward and admitting that everything he said was false and can’t be defended.

To all the Jews and Jew-loving faggots with the Ukraine and homo flags in your Twitter user profile, you are officially on notice as of today. Your social media echo chamber of endless lies and bullshit is ending. If this wasn’t the case, Harris wouldn’t have rage deleted his account like the pussy and cunt bitch that he is.