Elon Musk has said that if you are a journalist who wants “freedom” and higher income that you should publish your works on Twitter/X or whatever the hell he is calling the site.

This is a ridiculous statement by Musk. There is still no real journalistic freedom on the site. Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes and Andrew Anglin among others are all still banned for dubious and/or unexplained reasons. My original Twitter account was never restored as promised per Musk’s alleged amnesty. I have no doubt that I’d eventually be banned if I even tried to seriously publish materials on the site.

Musk is also talking about getting rid of the block feature and other weirdness. He told James Woods to delete his account after Woods criticized his plan to get rid of the block feature.

Musk also blocked Woods after the exchange presumably as some sort of joke? Hard to say really.

Getting rid of the block feature is just a strange move. It might be an attempt to increase advertising revenues, but it isn’t good for free speech. Without the block feature, Jews and other scummy people can organize mob attacks against individuals they don’t like and potentially lobby to get people banned. The block feature is also a defense against threads being spammed with garbage from malicious user accounts.

There is no reason to believe that Musk is being honest about any of this. If he has no problem lying about the site having journalistic freedom, he definitely has no problem with lying about his move to eliminate the block feature.