Eleven Films put out a video that they meant as an attack on Donald Trump but only succeeded in making him look awesome. The video claims that if Trump becomes the President again that he will create a New America by becoming a dictator and declaring martial law. They say that he will use his power under martial law to kick out all illegal aliens, charge women who abort their children with murder and root out the vermin destroying America with their faggot shit.

Their depiction of Trump’s New America is objectively far superior to the current shit show we have in place now. It’s not even close. I would absolutely support this depiction of Trump’s New America.

These people were retarded to think that this would be a good way to attack him. Many people responded to the video saying that like me they are ready for this type of New America.

Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe Trump will bring in this type of New America that the Eleven Films people believe he will bring. We have a rigged election system that hasn’t been fixed and the Jews could just declare a national emergency to prevent him from returning to the presidency. Even if he does somehow return to the presidency, we all saw how his first term played out. It was a major disappointment.

As a result of this, I don’t have much interest in the 2024 election cycle. I’m much more interested in the external geopolitical events that are helping facilitate the decline of this evil ZOG system.