I was offline for the past 48 hours or so and was having an all around shitty day. But that all changed when I learned that the dumb nigger Elijah Cummings had died. It changed my day from a shitty one into a great one.

For some reason there are others who do not share my opinion that his death is a great thing.

Take for example the tweets coming from these dumb niggers.

So it appears as if only dumb niggers are upset that the dumb nigger Cummings is dead. I guess that’s fitting.

But seriously, his death is a good thing. He did nothing of importance while in Congress. He didn’t even do anything for all the dumb niggers in Baltimore that kept re-electing him. He was just a low IQ nigger who was artificially elevated into a position of importance due to the Jewish subversion of America.

So to conclude, I am very happy that this dumb nigger is dead. May he rot in nigger hell.