The Zionist asshole and war criminal piece of shit George W. Bush issued a statement whining about systemic racism today.

You know what George, go fuck yourself. The only systemic racism that exists in America is racism and bias against White people. White people have been regularly fired from their jobs or have had their right to free speech taken away from them simply for daring to defend their own interests. And White people are the ones who built and maintained this country up until this point. White people have even gone out of their way to show how non-racist they are, but it is never enough for all these uppity niggers.

I’m not even allowed to have a fucking Twitter account because of my political views. Where’s my justice? Oh yeah, I’m White, so I don’t get any justice.

Blacks have been privileged in this system due to affirmative action and other laws that have been put into place to give them favorable treatment because of their skin color. They have squandered their privilege and still whine about oppression. Yet you claim that the system is biased against them. You are a liar.

Your statement is the biggest bunch of bullshit imaginable. It’s just as bullshit as the intelligence you relied on to get us involved in the Iraq War which resulted in millions of dead people. You did this because you are a whore for Zionist Jews.

You are the biggest piece of shit and you will join your piece of shit dad and your piece of shit mom in hell when you die.

Fuck you.