Donald Trump Jr. went on Instagram the other day to call out how the platform is actively censoring conservative user accounts. He talked specifically about how his account has been shadow banned.

Honestly it’s time for me to put this out there. For weeks I’ve been watching my #instagram analytics and noticed a crazy drop off in new followers. I used to average around 10,000 + new followers a week and then it just dropped off. See screenshot from last week where despite over 7,000,000 impressions THAT WEEK I added 0 new followers. Also see video and pic where a friend searching MY NAME got a message warning that “Posts with words or tags you’re searching for often encourage behavior that can cause harm and even lead to death”… REALLY?!?! Are you fricken kidding me? @zuck this is insane. I get that my 3 year old Chloe can be pretty aggressive as are a few of my humorous memes, but this is ridiculous. If this account “could cause harm and even lead to death” we have serious problems. The #shadowban nonsense and the hysteria RE any conservative thought has to stop. #enough #mastersoftheuniverse #censorship

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It is good that he is talking about this. It means that the White House is also aware of the issue.

Obviously censorship on the big social media platforms has been a tremendous problem. These platforms are mostly all controlled by big Jew-run enterprises who have been banning people for having views that they don’t like. If they don’t outright ban you, they’ll manipulate the algorithms so people can’t see your posts etc..

Big tech needs to be regulated if not outright nationalized. It’s universally accepted that sites like Facebook and Twitter are the modern day public square. The companies that run these platforms are not providing a neutral platform to facilitate the free exchange of ideas. This despite the fact that they sell themselves as providing such a platform.

These practices are only going to hurt the Republican’s chances in the midterms. We all know that Democrats and Communists are not going to have problems with being censored by Facebook and Twitter.

The White House needs to take action on this. There are even some leftists who are open to regulating these companies over the Cambridge Analytica data mining fiasco so there seems to be a real chance to get something done.