So the Dalia Lami the alleged spiritual leader of the fake country known as Tibet was caught doing weird pedo shit on video. He told a young boy to suck his tongue in public. This behavior is quite inappropriate for someone who his followers refer to as “His Holiness.”

He says he regrets the incident which was anything but holy.

Yeah so he regrets the negative attention from the incident. He certainly didn’t appear to regret the encounter.

I’m not remotely surprised at this though. The Dalia Lami was forced out of China for heading a satanic cannibal cult and has been in India ever since. I’m not even sure why India continues to host this evil freak.

Even if you don’t believe China’s accusations, the CIA has backed him and the retarded “Free Tibet” movement for years. He’s nothing more than a terrorist cult leader masquerading as some “spiritual leader.”

There’s nothing spiritual about this sickening faggot. He should have been arrested and put in prison years ago.