Many of the same people like the horse faced cunt pictured above, who were forcing people to take a deadly experimental injection and wear masks over a fake pandemic, are whining about Roe v. Wade getting overturned. They are literally complaining about a woman’s freedom, “my body my choice” and other bullshit.

There’s countless tweets like this from all sorts of people around the world who pushed the deadly COVID-19 shots on people. Based on that, they obviously don’t give a shit about medical freedom or anything of the sort. They just want people to die. That’s really what it boils down to. There’s no other explanation for holding these two positions simultaneously outside of that.

You would think they would feel deep shame about this level of hypocrisy but it is very possible that they don’t have souls so they are unable to feel shame. I mean, to be this enthusiastic about murdering babies seems to indicate that you have either sold your soul or don’t have one to sell.