A group of GOP shills in the Senate allowed a stupid “bi-partisan” gun control bill to get pushed through the Senate and signed into law by the resident vegetable in the White House.

I had incorrectly thought that this type of bill would be a non-starter, but they made the proposals modest enough to get the support of 14 Republican traitors in the Senate. It just shows once again how utterly useless the GOP is. They deliberately lose over and over again and foolishly concede on issues that anger their base.

Based on recent rulings, it is possible the Supreme Court could overturn this bill.

They just struck down a New York state gun control law.

Overall, the gun control agenda in the United States has not gone well. This is the biggest victory for gun control in awhile. Many states have successfully strengthened gun rights over the past several years so this is a bit of anomaly.

The whole gun control agenda is stupid. There are too many guns in America and no viable way to totally control what happens with them via a central authority.