CNN is demanding people keep a COVID-19 vaccination card in their wallets everywhere they go.

This is all part of a propaganda push to get you to take the vaccine.

They probably are not going to issue a government mandate forcing people to be vaccinated. Instead, private corporations are going to refuse to do business with you if you haven’t gotten the vaccine. It will be sort of like what they are doing with the masks. They will require you to present proof that you’ve been vaccinated before they will provide goods and services. If you do not have this, you will be treated like an outcast.

They are going all out on this vaccination push. Even former presidents are claiming that they are going to get the vaccine in order to convince people to take it.

I doubt they are going to take the vaccine. This is just them helping push this insane vaccination agenda.

Whatever you do, do not take the vaccine. We have no idea what it will do to people and the fact that the same people who pushed the coronavirus hoax and many other hoaxes want you to take it is reason enough not to take it.