Sunday, May 19, 2024

Zionist Warmonger John Bolton to Run for President

Here's something nobody asked for.

Chicago: Negroids Shut Down Highway to Demand Gun Control

WTF is gun control going to do? These niggers shoot each other with illegal guns already.

More Classified Documents Found in Biden’s Home

Looks like they're trying to push old Joe out.

WWE Wrestler Kane is Now Mayor of Knox County Tennessee

Having professional wrestlers in public office is definitely a step in the right direction.

Yahoo Slashes 20 Percent of Its Workforce

Still think unemployment is low when we keep seeing layoffs like this?

Trump Boasts About ICE Deporting 95-Year-Old Nazi

He helped gas 60 trillion Jews so he had to be deported.

NPR Slashes 10 Percent of its Workforce

NPR sucks and so does anybody who works there.

Trump Slashes “Refugee” Quota Again

Let the Jewish tears flow over this.

Fauci is Still Shilling Deadly Fake Vaccines on Television

I hope this piece of shit dies a painful death.

Russia Hoax Continues to Fall Apart

Yes, the Russia hoax investigation is still continuing.