Friday, May 17, 2024

Trump Slashes “Refugee” Quota Again

Let the Jewish tears flow over this.

Russia’s Lavrov Speaks at United Nations

Lavrov called out the fools in the West for their insane and stupid antics.

US Dollar Plunges as Fed Signals They’ll Cut Rates in 2024

This will only accelerate the inflation problems.

Daniel Penny Pleads Not Guilty to Manslaughter Charges

He's being persecuted for the color of his skin.

Swatch CEO Criticizes ZOG’s Hypocritical War Agenda

This dumb Jew war agenda is coming under increasing criticism from people with money and resources.

Denmark and Sweden Halt Moderna Vaxx for Young People

They should ban all these evil shots for everybody but at least this is a start.

Jew Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape Again

These rape charges like the previous ones against Weinstein are a hoax.

Pentagram Concerned About Cost of Fighting Houthis

The US government is going bankrupt fighting Jewish wars.

Communist Negroes Gillum and Abrams Concede Defeat

They're against democracy because they refused to accept the election results.