Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nalvany’s Chief of Staff Says NAFO Helping Putin

These NAFO people are sick retards and definitely not helping any sort of opposition inside of Russia.

40 Percent of Brown University Students Say They’re Fags

I'm sure many of these people are just saying they're fags even though they're not.

NATO to Discuss the Ukraine Joining Alliance at Key Summit

It is insane they are even considering Ukrainian membership.

Peru Declares Emergency Over Rise in Autoimmune Disease

Peru's population was heavily vaxxed with the COVID shots.

NYC: Black on Scooter Goes on Random Shooting Spree

Behold vibrant and enriching democracy in action.

Jew Sarah Silverman is Mad That People are Noticing Jews

Awareness of the Jewish problem keeps increasing.

Syria Revokes BBC Accreditation

More countries should blacklist the BBC. They are a fake news operation.

Vaginas Now Being Called “Bonus Holes”

Don't people have better things to do with their time?

Bank of England Accuses Retailers of Overcharging Customers

So says the institution responsible for devaluing the currency.

WSJ Op-Ed Says COVID Censorship Was Deadly

These clowns are three years too late.