The Wall Street Journal has put out an op-ed piece stating that censorship during the COVID hoax hysteria was deadly.

An archive of the piece can be read here.

The op-ed isn’t wrong, but this op-ed is three years too late. The time for this type of op-ed would have been back in 2020 when all of this insanity started. Doctors, medical professionals and all sorts of other skeptics were silenced, banned, blacklisted etc.. Contrary opinions were not allowed and it did lead to millions of deaths and untold amounts of damage. You couldn’t even criticize the deadly experimental fake vaccine injections.

You can go back and read my articles from 2020 and see that I was calling this out as a bunch of bullshit starting in March 2020 after people were recording videos of empty hospitals everywhere. The fact that major media operations like the WSJ and others refused to report the obvious proves that they can not be considered trustworthy sources of information.

There needs to be accountability for the people who pushed this hoax and silenced dissenters. They should be put on trial and once found guilty they should be executed for high crimes.