One of Canada’s major Internet providers has gone totally offline. Banks can’t function, debt/credit cards aren’t working, emergency phones are down and all of sorts other critical systems are no longer operational for significant parts of the country.

For those of you who have been reading this site for awhile, you are no doubt aware that I have been raising alarm bells about the dangers of having all this critical infrastructure on the Internet. People don’t seem to understand how fragile these systems are, yet Western countries rely heavily on the Internet for almost everything now. What’s happening in Canada right now illustrates this fact.

The situation in Canada is particularly precarious because the industry has consolidated to the point where there are only a few major players. Generally speaking, whenever companies merge with one another, the service they provide gets worse. Plus the fewer providers you have, the greater the impact a service outage will have.

You should expect Internet service like any other infrastructure service we have in the West to get increasingly worse. We are in a state of rapid decline and the people in charge are doing things that will only hasten our collapse.