Jonathan Majors a black actor who has been featured in new US Army recruitment ads, was just arrested on assault charges.

To be fair to Majors, it is possible this incident was due to some bitch lying about him. It is also possible he just chimped out. We don’t know the details.

It is a very bad break for the US Army though. They spent many millions of dollars on these new recruitment ads and for some reason they thought featuring a black actor would be the way to go. Now they face a situation where they can’t use the ads they developed without creating a public relations problem.

Featuring Majors was a dumb move for a variety of reasons.

Obviously, a black is more likely to commit a violent crime or get arrested for various reasons. This is just a statistical fact, so the potential for an issue like this was high to begin with.

On top of that, the US Army has always relied on WHITE southerners to fill the ranks and featuring a black in recruitment ads is not exactly going to make this demographic of young men want to join. Especially with the horrendous disarray the services are in.

Not to sound racist or anything but Majors literally looks like a gorilla you’d find in the jungles of Africa.

Why would anybody think this black who looks like a primitive ape would help with the recruiting crisis? They probably had some dumbass empowered millennial cunt officer who green lit all this. I guess they want more black gang members in the ranks?

It is just funny to see this happen as the military services are facing a serious recruitment crisis. Fewer and fewer people want to risk their life for this country. It has been totally subverted by evil Jews who have aggressively used the military as their personalized global police force. This has especially been the case since the Jewish false flag 9/11 event.

You also have a situation where pretty much every major institution in this country has openly expressed their hate and contempt for WHITE men. So as a result, more and more WHITE men are fine with letting the entire thing collapse.

I personally could not give a single shit if America loses a war or Washington DC gets nuked. The people running the government are at war against me. They are the enemy. Not the Russians, not the Chinese and not anybody else the Jews claim we need to fight. So the fact that this incident ruined the US Army’s recruitment campaign is very funny to me.