Now that anti-fascist groups are being officially declared terrorist organizations by the United States government, we have a situation where the big social media companies are openly supporting terrorist groups.

Mark Dice summed up the situation in some of his recent tweets.

What needs to happen is that these social media companies need to be raided and taken offline by the government in the name of stopping terrorism. It’s obvious that they are doing nothing to prevent these terrorists from operating on their platform. This means they are cooperating with terrorists. They are more likely to ban somebody who is accused of being a racist than self-admitted terrorists or people who advocate violence against others.

Take for instance the sadistic cunt Kathy Griffin who called for Donald Trump to be stabbed with a syringe full of air.

If I were on Twitter I’d tell the old cunt that she deserves to be raped by a gang of niggers. But since I’ve been banned from Twitter, I unfortunately don’t have the means to tell the stupid bitch that.

Either way, Trump has the tools to close these awful sites down in the name of preventing terrorism. He could do all sorts of things in the name of preventing terrorism. The question is if he will go ahead and do them.

My guess is that he won’t because his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner will cry or something and then he’ll do whatever his Jewish son-in-law tells him to do. He’d probably be willing to let the whole country burn if his Jewish son-in-law demanded it.

Prove me wrong orange man.