As many of you already know, I am not a fan of Jack Posobiec. He’s an intelligence spook and in my opinion a fake controlled right-wing opposition figure.

He tweeted out this retarded statement about how the ongoing riots are the left-wing version of Charlottesville.

Like seriously dude, that’s a very dumb statement. Why would you even say such a stupid thing?

First of all, what’s happening now is thousands of times worse than anything that happened at Charlottesville. These are organized left-wing riots happening all over America and are not contained to one city.

Not to mention, the events in Charlottesville happened solely because of anti-fascists. All the violence was caused by leftist groups who disrupted a peaceful gathering. The police also did nothing to separate the two sides. I was there and saw everything first hand.

Even the car crash incident involving James Fields was the result of anti-fascists attacking his car. He got freaked out and crashed into the crowd of dipshits blocking the road.

Most of the people replying to his dumbass tweet agree with me.

Jack, you should really be ashamed of yourself for making such an dumb statement. If I was allowed on Twitter I would reply to your tweet and call you a big dumb stupid poop head.