Joe Biden during a 60 Minutes interview that aired last night said that he would wage war against China to defend Taiwan independence.

To the best of my knowledge, this is the second time Biden has said that he’d use military force against China over the Taiwan issue. He may have implied this other times, but I simply don’t have the time or patience to listen to all of his incoherent and insane ramblings.

Meanwhile the people who surround him are continuing to claim that what Biden said is not official government policy. They are maintaining that they recognize Taiwan as an independent part of China.

Well, Biden despite being a senile old puppet is still the President of the United States and the official head of the government. So how are his public statements not official government policy? If I were in the Chinese government, I would have to take his statements at face value no matter how senile or crazy he might be.

There’s really nothing to gain from harassing China over the Taiwan issue. It’s just as dumb as what has been done with the Ukraine. It is certainly not going to help save the ZOG empire from its continuing collapse.